Airing weekdays at 7:30 A.M. on

Airing weekdays at 7:30 A.M. on

You eat right. You exercise. Yet you still see stubborn areas that won’t improve, no matter how hard you try. Why? Because our fat cells have a mind of their own! Even if you happen to be a Supermodel, we’re all born with fat cells that never, ever disappear – they just get bigger or […]


Advances in genome testing are helping to improve the outcomes for people who are battling cancer.  There is cutting-edge technology offering more accurate diagnosis, and today’s technologies allow doctors to match treatments with each patient’s cancer.  Dr. Francisco Velazquez from PAML joins us to explain.


30 million people in the United States are living with rare diseases…many of them children…and they can go undiagnosed for years.   Advances in human genome mapping is helping families get treatment faster, and Global Genes is an organization that connects families who are trying to cope. Join President and Founder Nicole Boice and Patient […]


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